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How Can Working With An Accountant Help Your Startup Grow?

This blog will provide you with any answers you may need about whether you need an accountant for your startup business.

Finding the best Accountants for Startups in the UK might seem like a difficult choice for businesses just starting up - after all, there are so many options to choose from. Some Accountancy firms might be dedicated to larger companies and just aren’t the right fit for you. Others may not be experienced in your sector of business. You may have even heard that startups do not need accountants at all.

This could not be more wrong!

Accountants are to startups like fertiliser to flowers. Your startup may or may not grow without one, but why risk it? The future of your business is at stake and you want to give your startup the best possible chance to succeed.

Let’s take a look at all the reasons how startup accounting can help your business grow and also what to consider when choosing your accountancy services!

Make reliable decisions

Provide top-level business, receive exponential profits, expand your company.

That is the dream that every single startup begins with, but it is not a solid plan. Your decisions for investment and growth need to come from rigorous examination and a carefully crafted plan. Accounting nowadays is much more than number-crunching, tax-organising and filing documents away in a cupboard.

Accountancy services provide a cost-benefit analysis, margin analysis, scenario modelling and break-even analysis. They provide clear, professional, actionable advice backed up by cold, hard facts.

This allows any startup to make reliable decisions that will positively impact your business and your growth.

Are you considering seeking investment for your business?

Then this School of Startups event is a must-watch for you! Investor Insights with Gian Seerha gives a valuable glimpse into the mind of an investor, and provides great tips for what to think about when preparing for an investment round. Check it now.
Watch now

Take calculated risks

Solid business decisions are excellent but the market does not always play so predictably. Market analysis and financial forecasting are just some of how accountants minimise the risks of expansion and investment.

Any startup can take a risk. They may as well play roulette, put it all on green and cross their fingers, but a startup with professional accountancy services takes calculated risks.

The best accountants for startups UK will show your risk-success balance and advise accordingly. They will also keep you 5 steps ahead of the game as you plan out your investment strategies so that you can continue to ride your wave of success.

This allows you to achieve short-term business goals quickly and keep your business on track with your long-term business plans.

Save time

They say time is money and it is more true for startups than anyone else.

You are launching into the world of business, trying to keep your bottom line minimal while making sure that your incomings outweigh your outgoings. You do not have time to waste on tasks that can be delegated to someone else - especially someone more professionally suited to the task.

You can let your accountant deal with tax, bookkeeping, payroll, budgeting and financial forecasting while you focus on the matters that truly require your attention. Micromanagement to avoid using accountancy services will simply sabotage your business, waste your own time and potentially cost more further down the line.

Avoid legal problems

When it comes to possibly mishandling taxes, prevention is better than the cure.

Believe us when we say that fines and penalties will take up exorbitant amounts of both time and money as you attempt to correct any mistakes. Bookkeeping, filing taxes and dealing with any legal obligations are best left to the professionals who have spent their careers doing exactly those things.

Even if you can manage the basics, a professional accountant will go above and beyond to save you money. Even a single year of maximising R&D Tax Credits could change the course of your next financial year! Don’t just believe us - just read about Avvoka!

Outsourcing accountancy services

There are certain misconceptions about outsourcing your financial services - especially for startups. After all, this is your business, your baby. It is hard to bring in an outsider to deal with sensitive information and trust in them.

But outsourced financial services are far better than doing everything in-house. They have an enormous list of positive effects on your business.

Expert skills and knowledge

Outsourced accountants do this every single day and not just with a single business. They can have a view of market trends and financial experience that stems across decades and a variety of sectors.

This means that whatever problem your startup may face - your accountant has probably already faced it. They understand exactly what it takes to fix the issue in no time at all!

Human resource allocation

An outsider viewpoint can clarify things in no time at all.

With no preconceived notions of your business, your setup or manpower, an outsourced accountant can calculate exactly how well you are distributing resources. They can identify low-return areas of allocation and recommend alterations to your existing structure.

They will also help you develop compensation plans for your staff or provide budget-safe bonus recommendations that fit in with your financial planning and build your team’s morale and motivation.

When your team is happy and loyal - your business runs better.


The price of handling your finances in-house will cost you either in time, money or both.

With online accountants now available thanks to advanced technology you can now receive better services for less money. You do not have to waste time training and overseeing someone to perform all of your accountancy in-house, nor do you have to cover sick leave, holiday pay or any other number of extras.

Outsourced accountants provide more services than in-house accountants can, but for a better price.

What to look for in my accountant?

You don’t just need to find the best accountants for startups UK. You need to find the best accountant for your startup.

Every single startup will have different requirements. So before you make your decision, consider these things when searching for startup accountants.

Free accounting advice

Make sure to engage your potential accountants in a conversation first. You will be working closely with them after all, so you need that level of trust and communication. While accountancy can be a bit confusing, it shouldn’t be secretive.

So when you start that conversation with a potential accountant - they should offer free accountant advice. They should be perfectly willing to outline their plans and methods to you from the outset.

Familiar with your sector

Every accountant has different experiences, so find one that knows your needs.

Your sector will have unique challenges, systems and exploitations that a good accountant should know about. They will have also successfully faced these many times over during their career.

Yet having some experience in other sectors is an excellent plus. Tackling ideas with a slightly different perspective is what has made some of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time - the same goes for any industry!

Scalable support for startups

The accountancy services that you currently need, are not the ones that you will need in the future. As your profits grow and your business expands, you will need other, more comprehensive services to offer you the support that you need.

Scalable support helps startups immensely. An Accountancy firm that works with startups and larger companies will understand the escalating financial needs and adapt accordingly. So make sure that your accountants are prepared to scale up their services in line with your growth!

Other client reviews

Success stories are key.

Accountants for startups should present their case studies. Those fast-growing startups that have worked together with their company to build success. The calibre of an accountancy firm is measured in its previous successes, so don’t be afraid to read up on their history and speak to those previous clients.

The bottom line

Now you understand why startups need accounting services, you only have one decision to make.

When to talk to one of our experts!

At Accountancy Cloud we offer fully scalable, highly specialised accountancy services for startups and SMEs.We were a startup too once, so we know exactly where you are, and where you want to scale up. That is why we provide a dedicated finance expert for your tasks, sophisticated cloud technology so that you can keep an eye on all of your finances and so much more.

So get in touch with one of our experts today and start a conversation about securing your future. Read up on our case studies to see real evidence of our financial services and sign up to our School of Startups to ensure that your business is never left behind!

#1 Finance partner for tech & ecommerce startups

Accountancy Cloud makes accounting easy, transparent and truly fast, by offering entrepreneurs a custom blend of software and expertise.
  • 100% online
  • Full finance stack for all your accounting needs
  • 9/10 customers recommend us
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