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Need Funding? Five Ways to Nail your Pitch and Win Over Investors

Cater to your investors by providing information that’s important to them.
Take your pitch from good to great by putting yourself in the shoes of the investors and providing value to them.

This article will help you focus on refining the overall pitch rather than fine-tuning each section of your pitch deck.

1. It’s All About The Story

Your pitch quality is all about the story you tell and your presentation. There is a major difference between simply showing your slides and narrating a story. Make your vision easy to understand so that investors can connect with it, making it easier to believe in you.

2. Own the First Five Minutes

Practice captivating your audience within the first five minutes of your pitch. This is crucial and helps ensure that you have your investors attention as your pitch gets more detailed. Begin by presenting the breakthrough opportunity and how you’re going to capitalise on it. Set the stage for the rest of your presentation by giving the quick facts on your company. State the date your company began, how many employees you have, and the funds you’re looking to raise.

3. Conversation Instead of Lecturing

Consider your pitch as an open conversation, rather than planning to “talk at” the investors. Take the time to scan the room and look for any indications that the investors have questions. See how your message resonates with investors. Observe their behaviour and provide more information where necessary or move on to other details. The VCs may not have time to speak. They know you’re operating on an allotted amount of time. Therefore, it is your job to address unspoken concerns the VCs may have.

4. Be Relatable

Make sure your pitch is relatable to investors by getting them to intimately understand your solution. You can do this by going in-depth on why the problem relates to them or the relief that your solution can provide. Frame the problem for investors so they can easily grasp experiencing the issue.

5. Confidence and Honesty

Be honest and convey strength without being overconfident. Investors know how difficult it is to build a successful business. You have to demonstrate that you have the skills to lead through challenges and stay focused during times of success. With this attitude in mind, you can bring up potential issues you’re dealing with. Put yourself in a position where you have to answer difficult questions. If you haven’t figured something out completely, be honest and express your intentions. Let investors know how you handle problems. Get professional accounting services for your newfound capital by contacting us.

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