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How This Tech Startup Got Acquired For $975 Million: 4 Key Takeaways


In a remarkable turn of events, the tech startup Loom was acquired by Atlassian for an impressive $975 million. This acquisition has been a topic of keen interest in the tech industry, offering valuable insights for startups and investors alike. Here, we delve into the key takeaways from this acquisition.


Introduction to Loom

Loom is an asynchronous video messaging platform designed to enhance workplace communication. It enables users to record and share video messages, incorporating screen sharing and interactive elements, while leveraging AI-powered features like video transcripts and summaries. Loom's unique approach caters to the demands of a global, distributed workforce, making it a practical alternative to traditional video conferencing.

The company has achieved notable success, amassing over 25 million users, including 200,000 paying customers from various major corporations.

Loom reached a significant valuation, peaking at $1.53 billion in May 2021. Atlassian announced the acquisition of Loom for $975 million, a strategic move to integrate Loom’s capabilities with its existing products and expand its reach in the remote workforce market​.

Was it a Good Deal for the Founders?

A lower acquisition price compared to the peak valuation can be influenced by various factors, including market conditions and strategic fit with the acquirer. While it may seem like a less favorable deal financially, the founders held a large equity stake in the company so taking money off the table combined with the acquisition by a larger, established company like Atlassian probably meant there were strategic advantages to the deal.

Let's look at what enabled this acquisition to happen.


1. Strategic Shift to Meet Evolving Workforce Needs

Atlassian's acquisition of Loom, a video messaging service, marks a strategic pivot for the company. This move is a response to the changing dynamics of work, particularly the rising need for tools that support remote and distributed teams​​​​. Loom's unique asynchronous video messaging platform caters to a global workforce, providing a more flexible alternative to traditional video conferencing​​.

2. Synergies with Existing Products and AI Integration

A key factor in Atlassian's decision was the potential for synergy between Loom's capabilities and Atlassian's existing suite of products, like Jira and Confluence​​. The integration of Loom's video features and AI-powered elements, such as video transcripts and summaries, into Atlassian's platforms is expected to enhance team collaboration and efficiency​​​​.

3. Cross-Selling Opportunities and Market Expansion

Another significant aspect of this acquisition is the opportunity for cross-selling. Loom's extensive user base, including over 25 million users and 200,000 paying customers, opens up new market segments for Atlassian's suite of software products​​​​. This strategy could significantly enhance Atlassian's overall value proposition.

4. Navigating Financial Implications and Long-Term Strategy

Despite the acquisition's potential short-term impact on Atlassian's financials, the company's robust financial position, with substantial cash reserves and manageable debt, suggests a calculated risk​​. The strategic benefits, including addressing the evolving needs of remote workforces and remaining competitive in the tech landscape, are anticipated to outweigh any initial financial setbacks​​.

The 4 key takeaways for Founders from Loom's Acquisition

From the acquisition of Loom by Atlassian, there are 4 key takeaways that founders can learn:

Embrace Pivots and Persistence:

Loom's journey from its early days as "Opentest" to becoming a successful asynchronous video platform highlights the importance of persistence and willingness to pivot. The founders faced failed launches and limited traction initially but continuously adapted their product based on user feedback. Their shift from a tool for gathering expert feedback to focusing on video’s role in work communication was pivotal​​.

Effective Product Positioning:

Joe Thomas, Loom's CEO, emphasised the importance of product positioning. Initially, they adopted a utilitarian approach, describing Loom as a functional screen recorder. As the market became more familiar with video communication, they transitioned to an aspirational pitch, emphasizing expressiveness and efficiency. This evolution in positioning can be crucial for early-stage companies in communicating their product's value​​.

Leveraging Power Users for Growth:

Loom employed a smart growth strategy by identifying and leveraging its power users. They encouraged these users to create and share videos about their experience with Loom, offering high-quality swag as an incentive. This approach not only acknowledged and rewarded loyal users but also drove product virality and engagement within their target market​​.

Product-Led Growth (PLG):

Loom’s organisational structure was designed to support PLG. Unlike typical tech companies that have separate divisions for marketing, engineering, product, and administrative functions, Loom grouped marketing, product, design, operations, and data together. This cross-functional alignment fostered more efficient and focused efforts towards product-led growth, demonstrating the importance of organisational structure in supporting business strategy​.



The acquisition of Loom by Atlassian is not just a substantial financial transaction but a strategic move reflecting the changing dynamics of the workforce and the evolving needs of enterprise software. This acquisition serves as a case study in strategic planning, market adaptation, and the potential of AI integration in enhancing product offerings. For startups and tech companies, these key takeaways offer valuable insights into growth strategies, product development, and market positioning in today's dynamic tech landscape. Reach out us if you'd like to learn more.

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