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What Makes an Effective Pitch Deck?

You have one chance to make a first impression. When making a pitch, your goal is to effectively communicate to potential investors who you are and what you bring to the market. A well-prepared pitch deck is a powerful visual tool that accomplishes this — if you do it right.
What Should Go Into a Pitch Deck?

At a bare minimum, your pitch deck needs to introduce your company, your product, and what sets you apart from the competition. An effective pitch deck must also communicate your business plan, including the current nature of the market and future outlook. This data needs to come across in a visually striking way, conveying a lot of information with imagery and minimal text.

Introduce Yourself

Don't give your audience a list of qualifications. Tell them about yourself and your team with a brief narrative that shows your accomplishments. This makes your company more personable but also demonstrates that you are qualified, capable, and likely to succeed in the market.

Effective Imagery

Charts and graphs are great tools for sharing data, but don't overuse them. Stick to the most important facts that help sell your company and business plan. Color makes your slides more visually appealing, but too many colors may distract from the message. Keep a consistent color scheme throughout your slides to prevent visual confusion and to keep the audience focused on the information you are sharing.

The Ideal Pitch Deck

TechCrunch recommends approximately 10 slides in a pitch deck and says the most effective decks begin with the following layout:

  1. Company purpose.
  2. Problem.
  3. Solution.
  4. Why now?
  5. Market size.

Successful decks vary the order of the next several slides but include information about the product, team, business model, and competition. The final slide, TechCrunch says, is one of the most important and covers financials.

Want more tips for writing the perfect pitch deck? Download our E-Guide today!. Whether you are a tech startup or scale up looking for your next investment, The Accountancy Cloud offers a variety of accounting and financial services to support you.

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